Monday, February 17, 2014

Reflection Week 2/10

     This week the discussions really helped me understand Ceremony better. There were a lot of metaphors, double meanings, and time frames of the book where I was very lost that I now understand. I still have some unanswered questions but overall I have a much deeper understanding of the details of the story. The essential parts of the story that are crucial to understanding Tayo's current state were fuzzy for me until we talked through them, moment by moment. I now feel more confident about the reading.
     Now that I understand things better, I feel even more sad for Tayo. As I learn more and more about Tayo's past I can't imagine how he functions on a daily basis. He was repeatedly abandoned by his mother as a toddler. When he finally was given a stable environment and a consistent family he was subjected to Auntie's rude and uncalled for words and actions. Tayo feels so much guilt for everything that has gone on in his life that he has no control over. I feel that he is clinically depressed and I feel so sad that everyone that was supporting to him and kind, he has lost. Mainly Rocky and Tayo. I wish Tayo had a more loving and caring environment to live in so that he could find ways to deal with his grief and pain.

I chose this picture because I feel it represents all the parts of Tayo's life that are dying to get out of him.

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