Monday, February 3, 2014

Reflection Week 1/27

     This week Ceremony became more confusing for me. I just feel that it jumps around so much that I cannot figure out what is really going on, what is present and what is past. Something I do understand is Tayo's past and I felt so sad reading about all the hardships he has dealt with. He has a very strange life and I'm starting to understand why he has such depression, alcholism, and PTS. Psychologically, he must be very, very lost with everything he has been through. Something I was very confused about was the section of the book that desscribe a young boy living with his mom by the river in a box and being left around, hungry and cold, while she slept with men. I am wondering if this is Tayo or not as it was not very clear.
     Reel Injun really opened my eyes to a lot of things that I have never realized. I know racism has been prominent in our country since our birth but I never noticed the severity of it toward Native Americans until we started this unit and Reel Injun especially. I am thankful that I have this whole other perspective now and I'm seeing this sooner rather than later. I hope that as a country we continue to progress forward on these issues. I am glad the film industry has started to show the truth about Native history. After learning about all these issues, I may end up in a different career path than I originally planned. 

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