Monday, January 13, 2014

Dances with Wolves

     I am finding Dances with Wolves very interesting so far and I am anxious to see how it continues. It is inspiring to see a story of cultural difference and more so of respect for another group of people or person. This movie has enlightened me to the fact that discrimination generally comes from a lack of knowledge. Some white people saw natives as people who were so different from them they must be bad. John Dunbar gave them a chance just as they gave him one. It is so refreshing to see that acceptance, generosity, and strive for communication.
     There are some very touching scenes and parts of the story that have made an impact on me. An example of this is the dynamic of emotions portrayed on opposite ends of the spectrum from two separate scenes is very powerful. When John Dunbar rides into the confederate side in the Christ pose as a suicide attempt with such sadness about his leg and situation I felt the depression so intensely. Then in contrast, when John Dunbar moves to his new post I felt his happiness and motivation to serve. Both of the emotions portrayed from these scenes are completely different yet I felt both of them so strongly. I think that is one of the main things drawing me in, in the movie. It has an ability to pull emotions out of me which creates a much deeper meaning for me.

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