Thursday, January 23, 2014

Reflection Week 1/20

     After starting Ceremony, I'm interested but confused. The story is pulls me in but it is a lot of information at once. It is also kind of confusing because it jumps around a lot between Tayo's thoughts and experiences throughout different times in his life and it doesn't make it very clear which are memories and which are actually happening. I also feel like there are so many metaphors throughout the reading that it is hard to uncover and understand each one. I definitely need help finding the hidden meanings behind the text. I am trying to annotate very thouroughly so that I won't have trouble with my essay and I am putting question marks anywhere that I would like to dicuss further. I think it will be a good experience to read Ceremony but a challenge. 
     The class discussion from Friday did help me a lot. Being able to ask questions and clarify the meaning behind certain sections really helped. I am still confused but there are some things I do understand better. The writing we did Thursday was hard for me because even though I read I really didn't have a clear understanding of what was going on in the book. I think it would be helpful to read then discuss then write so that I could write a more thourough analysis because I would be able to understand the reading a little better. Overall, I like the story and the parts that I can follow. I think it is very sad and I feel bad for Tayo but I am glad that I am being made aware of the way things were during this time for the Laguna Pueblo people. 

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