Monday, January 20, 2014

Native Study

Arapaho Tribe

The Arapaho Native Americans lived mainly in Colorado and Wyoming but there are traces of some branches of the tribe living in North and South Dakota as well as Montana. There were 5 dialects of their language spoken but now they are no longer spoken even though some people are familiar with it. They hunted buffalo, rode on horseback, and lived in tepees. They got along well with the Cheyenne, Sioux, and Gros Ventre tribes and fought with the Crow, Kiowa, and Comanche.

One of the famous chiefs of the Arapaho tribe was Little Raven. He is remembered as a very peaceful man that tried to make peace with enemy tribes and the white settlers. He was a part of the tribe at the Sand Creek Massacre of 1864. He still sought peace and fought until the Arapaho were granted reservation rights.

Kiowa Tribe

The Kiowa tribe lived in Montana at the sources of the Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers. Their region had deep snows. They were hunters, with bow and arrows, that hunted with dogs. Dogs were their only domesticated animal for awhile. Later on they learned to ride horses and hunted on horseback. They always kept the largest herd of horses of all the Plains Native Tribes.

One of the most famous Kiowa Chiefs was Satanta or White Bear. He was a very smart negotiator, philosopher, but at the same time he was a murderer. He was known for his big build his whole life and was called Big Ribs as a baby. He was well recognized by white soldiers for his size as well. He negotiated multiple treaties with the soldiers and fought against them in many battles. He was well known for his bugle that he would sound as the indication of a battle beginning or simply to make his presence known.

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