Monday, March 17, 2014

Reflection Week 3/10

     This week in class we watched Smoke Signals. I enjoyed the movie but I honestly thought it was a little cheesy. I really enjoyed the whole story and I was happy that Victor Joseph had healed but it was just very predictable. I thought the movie was humorous and entertaining while being educational about native life. I did not always understand the message that Thomas Builds-the-Fire was trying to convey through his stories. Overall, I thought it was a good movie. I also drew a lot of parallels between the movie and Ceremony. For example, alcoholism, PTS, and healing.
     This week we were also introduced our essay prompt for out Native Study Essay. I am anxious to write my essay and see more in depth how everything we have studied links together. I am nervous about writing it as well because the prompt is challenging and I have a busy week ahead of me with work and other classes. I really enjoyed this unit of native study as it was not something I had been exposed to. I think it will be fun to analyze and write about. I am also glad to be exploring new topics.

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