Monday, March 24, 2014

Reflection Week 3/17

     I am pro democratization. I believe that our technology has expanded as our brains have expanded which has led to the progression of every other aspect of society. It does not make any form of art less special because every one has access to it. In Press Pause Play, Moby says, "When humans make stuff we tend to make interesting things." This is true. As humans we are constantly pushing our creativity to the limit in our own ways. Regardless of wealth, race, social class, etc. every human being has this quality. Every person having access to the means to be creative just makes our world more diverse and interesting. There is a ton of talent, genres, and oppourtunites that have arisen due to democratization. For example, the film industry and media."A lot of movies that may have not had the chance to be made will be made, which means you're gonna have a lot more options for cinema, you're gonna have a lot more creativity rising to the top." (Hank Shocklee Press Pause Play) Ultimately technology has allowed our mass culture to become more individualized while at the same time bringing us closer through all these different forms of art we get to explore. 
     Through democratization we also have the oppourtunity to discover new talent in ourselves and others. It is easier to be recognized now, with the internet and all, people have the choice to put themselves out there and find appreciaters qucikly. Lena Dunham is a great  example of this. She says, "I never thought of film making as a job I could have... it didn't ever occure to me that it was something I could do with my life." (Press Pause Play) What allowed Dunham to become an actress was her ability to use to internet to get recognized. Now with everyone having that luxury, I think we can have a much broader spectrum of talent in every industry; art, music, film, media, and digital media. That being said, I believe that luxury will still but continue to change. We may be using a completely new method on a completely new device just a few years from now but I think democratization will continue to increase. "I think in 20 or 30 or 50 years we're going to look back at now with sort of like an endeared, a wistful nostalgia... like the same way like we look back at phones 25 years ago like oh they're cute, they're big and clunky and only worked in one part of the world... it had its own charm but we moved on." (Moby Press Pause Play) I agree with this. Everything will just keep growing and changing but if anything all these art forms will become more accesible. It will only make a more diverse and accepting world. 

I chose this picture because I think it demonstrates how technology has bonnded society through communication and access. There is one human race behind everything you see on a daily basis.

I chose this picture because I think it represents how technology and access to it allows us to create connections and bonds to anyone anywhere. 

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