Monday, March 10, 2014

Reflection Week 3/3

     The end of Ceremony was devastating. It was hard for me to read when Tayo was tired, hungry, and thirsty and he was running from his friends. That was unbelievable to me and I can't imagine the heartache he felt when he found out that they were hunting them down. Then, I could not bear to read the part when Emo, Pinkie, and Leroy were beating Harley and Tayo had to watch. I am still confused on exactly what happened then though and how Tayo made it back home safely. I could feel how hard it was for Tayo to watch but afterwards I couldn't read his emotions. I couldn't tell if he was still finding light in his days or if he was depressed again.
     Something I noticed in the last section of the book was the use of the color yellow. It was used repeatedly to describe a wide variety of things. For example, the bull, the bull's eyes, the sandrock, flames, the light, the sand, uranium, and the leaves. Not only were all these things described as yellow but the same items using the same description were repeated over and over in this section. In fact, there were many things described with color in this section but yellow especially stood out to me. I don't understand why this is used so much and why it is relevant. 
This represents Harley's hand-a symbol for Harley. He was bleeding badly when Tayo last saw him and the heart represents Tayo and Harley's love for each other.
This is the yellow, and yellow light, that is surrounding Tayo throughout this section of the novel.

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